Dengan senang hati, kami persembahkan kepada pemirsa, Mazmur Tanggapan dan Lagu-Lagu Perayaan Ekaristi. Mazmur Tanggapan dan Lagu-Lagu Perayaan Ekaristi ini, diambil dari berbagai sumber tanpa bermaksud melanggar hak cipta pengarang maupun penggubah lagu. Kami ucapkan terima kasih kepada pengarang dan penggubah lagu yang ada dalam blog ini. Semoga isi blog ini dimanfaatkan demi dan untuk kemajuan Liturgi Gereja dan penghayatan iman umat dalam liturgi.


Putera Marapu


Marapu Island or Sumba Island  is the southernmost island in the State of Indonesia. The island is famous for saving a thousand mystery was never solved. In this island there are plenty of sandalwood, thousands of horses, mystical tomb, woven belt and a beautiful beach resort. Many foreign and local tourists who often visit to see the beauty of this island.
Residents Marapu Island have great respect for their culture. They still preserve the culture associated with religion as a house Marapu customs, ceremonies and tombs of the kings. Custom homes are designed with a high roof to keep the heritage, relics of the ancestors. In the courtyard there are traditional houses the tombs of the mystical. This mystical tombs made ​​of stone rock hard shaped rectangular flat and supported by four pillars that form the hard beam of about 1 meter.

The island is also famous because the feast Marapu customary named Pasola. Pasola is the name of an ancient ritual of the war by two groups of men chosen Sumba. They rode horses are decorated with colorful cloth throwing spears made ​​from wood of choice. Pasola held annually in February and March. Thousands of local and foreign tourists visiting to watch this Pasola.

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